Recently I have been working with a program called blender, which is an open source program. I posted about it
before. You can go to their site here: I have learned to do this mostly by online video tutorials, and just practice, practice, practice! And I am "new" to this program! There are amazing things people have done with it. Just look around a bit on their site. You can go to the download link here: Also, if you are a mac user, you might want to download "
magicprefs" it will make it so that you have a middle click on your magic mouse.
Here are the pictures. I did all of these.
This is the first Micro organism/virus that I did.
This is the second Micro organism/virus that I did.
ere is a picture of the program in the process of getting ready to render it.
This is the third Micro organism/virus that I did. This one took the least amount of work to make.
A goblin guy that I made a while ago
A different angle of the goblin.
A model of an elf like guy.
Picture of the elf guy inside the program, before rendering. I did this one a long time ago.
This is the one that was the longest time ago, and I forgot to save this mesh, so this is the only thing I have left of it.
Just a simple mountain range. The texture is made up of a picture I took on a road trip of the asphalt where it was cracked.
I also made two animations, The first is not very good at all, and it was my first. The second was better, and it is my second animation.
Please tell me what you think! I enjoy reading your comments!